Funding opportunity for people aged 18-30:

Peter McQuitty Bursary

Providing opportunities for young people in museums.

Purpose of the Fund
The Peter McQuitty Bursary is managed by the Museum of Oxford Development Trust. It has been established to provide funding for projects which encourage the development of skills and experience for young people who are inquisitive and questioning, and who wish to share, interpret and preserve the histories and cultures of the people of Oxford.

Applications are invited for projects in one of the following key aspects of the museum’s work:

  • The development of links with other cultural organisations. These could be with local or national organisations e.g. Oxford Pride, the city’s seven international twinning associations, Kids in Museums Day, Black History Month, National Volunteering week and other city museums and art venues
    • Projects which develop links with different communities in Oxford, in ways which have relevance to that community
    • Research projects which enhance knowledge of the collections across the residents of Oxford. This could also include the development of proposals/applications for larger scale research projects e.g. Disability History in Oxford, Black History Beyond Living Memory, Pakistani Migration to Oxford
    • Development of skills and training programmes for the existing Museum team (staff and/or volunteers), and / or our community partners e.g. Accessibility training, Allyship training, wellbeing, specialised tours for different audiences


About Peter McQuitty
Peter McQuitty’s vision and passion helped drive the redevelopment of the Museum of Oxford. He wanted to create a place that represented and was shaped by the people of Oxford, their history, their cultures, for some their journeys, and above all their place in the world.

Peter led the team who worked to make this vision a reality. His leadership, his ability to nurture and sustain talent, his intellect and his kindness created a great gift for the city and the wider world.

Who is eligible to apply?
Young people aged between 18 and 30 from Oxfordshire and the neighbouring areas in adjacent counties.

Applications can be made by individuals or by organisations on behalf of an individual (e.g. educational institutions, cultural, voluntary or community organisations).

Applications are particularly encouraged from young people who have not gained a Higher Education qualification.

What will the funding support?
The Fund will support costs between £500 – £1000 towards one or more of the following

  • Travel and subsistence costs for conferences or research
    • Hosting workshops / knowledge exchange events
    • Exhibition / events
    • Presentation/documentation / publications / reports
    • Media e.g. film, podcast, social media and website
    • Marketing campaign to promote awareness

Applications must include an outline of how the bursary will be spent, and an indicative timetable of the programme of work.

We would expect these projects to:
• contribute to the resources, knowledge and skills of the museum
• have an enduring benefit for the museum
• enhance the professional experience and knowledge of the recipient/s
• be of high quality
• be sustainable and make best use of resources
• be overseen by the museum team
• be completed within a defined timescale

Application Process

Details will be posted here later in 2023

Successful Applicants – Conditions
All applicants must submit a short report on the achievements of their project (400 – 500 words) when it has been completed. The Museum of Oxford Development Trust must be credited on any publicity material, reports, exhibitions, books, publications produced as part of the project.

Please note that the bursary award will be made available in two stages: 50% at the beginning of the project and 50% on completion of the project, with the submission of the final report, receipts and full evidence of how the bursary has been spent.