Moments + Memories in the Community
Moments and Memories is the Museum of Oxford’s Older People’s Programme, offering a range of activities and events to inspire, engage, and offer a chance to meet others. All sessions are free and will be followed by refreshments.
Memory Lane: Reminiscence session
Tea & Talk: Just a cup of tea and a chat
Movers & Shakers: Gentle exercise to music
Cutteslowe Community Centre
10.30 am – 12 Noon
Monday 22 April Memory Lane
Monday 20 May Tea & Talk
Monday 17 June Movers & Shakers
West Oxford Community Association
Thursday 25 April Memory Lane
Thursday 23 May Tea & Talk
Thursday 27 June Movers & Shakers
The Connected Communities Fund is delivered in partnership by OCVA and CFO, funded by Oxfordshire County Council.
Contact us below or, alternatively, phone 01865 252334