Moments + Memories in the Community

Moments and Memories is the Museum of Oxford’s Older People’s Programme, offering a range of activities and events to inspire, engage, and offer a chance to meet others. All sessions are free and will be followed by refreshments.

Memory Lane: Reminiscence session

Tea & Talk: Just a cup of tea and a chat

Movers & Shakers: Gentle exercise to music

Cutteslowe Community Centre

10.30 am – 12 Noon

Monday 22 April Memory Lane

Monday 20 May Tea & Talk

Monday 17 June Movers & Shakers

West Oxford Community Association


Thursday 25 April Memory Lane

Thursday 23 May Tea & Talk

Thursday 27 June Movers & Shakers

The Connected Communities Fund is delivered in partnership by OCVA and CFO, funded by Oxfordshire County Council.

Connected Communities Fund logo

Contact us below or, alternatively, phone  01865 252334

Barton collage

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