Creature Creations with Science Oxford

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There’s nothing like finding a frog in the long grass of the back garden, watching a snail slime its way along the path or spotting a squirrel attack next door’s bird feeder.

Join Science Oxford for a wild family workshop at the Museum of Oxford about the animals that live in our gardens and woodlands. Our mini-ecologists will learn about habitats and homes and using play dough, craft and natural materials make their own creatures while exploring the characteristics that make for a comfortable home.


This event is recommended for ages 5-10. Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult and everyone must have a ticket.

Access requirements

Disabled and pushchair access available to Museum Makers Space in the Basement floor, where the event is held. Level entry access is via the entrance closest to Carfax (to the left of the main steps as you face the Town Hall). Further access information can be found here.
Please contact the Museum team if you’d like to talk to a member of staff about your access requirements.


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